Our Foundation

The message of humanity, love, honesty in the society

It has been told in literature books, that all Gods and Goddesses reside in the body of gau. It's just not a saying. Nandini Goshala is an establishment of Mr. N.L.Poddar, with a view to protect our mother gau, and different animals, and is against killing of them. This centre aims at complete safety of animals and different birds by using different modern and traditional methods.

The outcome of this pure thinking are the different benefits that are obtained in the form of various useful products that you would see here. Nandini Goshala spreads the message of humanity, love, honesty in the society.

The centre consists of modern laboratories in which various experiments are carried out on resulting to the medicines which are free from side effects and useful over number of diseases. Pure milk, ghee, curd, gau dung, Gau Gomutra are produced here and delivered to betterment of man. The main target of Nandini Ghoshala is to make our mother gau independable and create awareness in the minds of people regarding it.